Well hello there!
I'm excited that you've stumbled upon my blog. Let me introduce myself. I am a Grade 3 teacher from Winnipeg, Manitoba who is slightly obsessed with books. If you are looking for a great new book, you are a teacher who is just trying to make it to ______ (fill in the blank with the next great hurdle, be it Report Cards, Parent Conferences or simple Friday) then I hope you'll stick around and spend some time here at Teach Read Inspire!
Please Forgive me for Bragging!
I have been spending a lot of time in the last few months working towards my own goals on Netgalley as a reviewer and I have come a long way!
As of August 2022 here are some of my recent accomplishments:
I have completed more than 500 reviews on Netgalley!
140+ Publishers have chosen my review to appear on that book's public details page!
I've been auto-approved for 5+ publishers
this means that they trust me to make detailed and helpful
I'm also really excited because this week I cracked the top
ten reviewers in Canada on Goodreads! I also ranked #8 f
or the month of April with 112 reviews that month.
Thanks for your support, readers! I can't wait to share my
future accomplishments with you.