I'm super excited to be participating in not one but TWO read alongs this fabulous July week! Two (and realistically many more) books at one time? Sounds about right. I am on vacation right?
Speaking of vacation - or should I say holiday? I'm excited to be participating in Boldwood Blogger Community's summer readalong: One Last Day of Summer by Shari Low. Each day from now until Saturday (my birthday!!) I will be updating this blog post with pictures and discussion questions. At the end of the week I hope to also add my thoughts on the book as long as life doesn't get too busy as I turn 31! I should warn you, there will definitely be spoilers, so read at your own risk!
Click here to go straight down to the review at the bottom
So here's the plan...
Thanks so much to Boldwood Blogger and Boldwood Books for setting this all up and providing us bloggers with everything we need! <3
Monday July 18th 2022
I started reading on the weekend so that I would be able to answer some of the discussion questions, so I'm already a bit ahead, but so far I am at 25%. One Last Day of Summer is told in 4 perspectives; Bernadette, Tadgh (I am gonna need to double check the pronunciation on that one!), Haley and Dev. At 25% I've made it through two of each chapter so 8 chapters in total and let me tell ya, lots has happened already!
Here is my beautiful flatlay:

The one I used on instagram is just a bit different, I'm still figuring all this story vs post stuff out. I have literally been on instagram for about 3 weeks now, and I've learned so much lol! For one, I know what a flay lay is!

This is tricky... I'm really glad I got 2 chapters of each character by this point so that I have a little bit better idea who these characters are. I'm not sure that there's one who stands out the most as connecting with, but there are things I like about each of the characters.
If I had to pick one, I think it would probably be Bernadette because she's setting out to do something on her own that she never would have done in the past and I think that as I get older (cringe) I am trying to find new things to try independently and sometimes that's a really great experience! I'm also trying to connect more with friends and acquaintances, so I think that's also something Bernadette and I have in common.
Tadgh and I both avoid confrontation, it seems, and don't want to jump to conclusions. As a result, sometimes we get a bit walked over. That might be something that he faces in the story (prediction!).
Haley and I clearly both have a love of teaching. I hate her husband though already. I think Haley and Bernadette might bond a bit over crappy hubbies (prediction!).
I feel like I have connected the least with Dev, but he does seem to be a romcom-loving-hopeless romantic, so I'm sure I'll love him soon enough!
If I had to pick one that I'm most looking forward to, it's probably Bernadette, but so far I have just been excited to get a bit more info about each character so there hasn't been one in particular that I really want to read more of, because I want to read more about all of them! I really do want to know what is going on with Tadgh and Cheryl though. I think tomorrow when I'm reading I will probably be trying to blitz through Bernadette to get to Tadgh, but we'll see!
Tuesday July 19th 2022
Happy Tuesday! So far I’ve made it through another set of four chapters and I want to just take a second to appreciate how great Shari Low is at having 4 separate storylines weaving and interconnecting both in the present and in the characters’ backstories. I first noticed it with the plane seats. Bernadette’s friend Sarah had to cancel last minute, which I think is how Dev got his seat, meanwhile, Lucas demanded to be upgraded to first class which left a spot next to Hayley vacant and as a result Tadgh (which I learned is pronounced Ty-ghe) got bumped up when there was an issue with his seat. This left all four strangers travelling alone, together.
Low also weaves the stories together by having Tadgh go to the bathroom just as Dev goes into detail about his love story, which includes Cheryl. I love stories like this because it keeps me on my toes, making sure I don’t miss any of these neat connections.
Well first off I would definitely pack A LOT more, but I didn't want to take literally half my closet out for a pic so I went with some beachy must haves!
1) Kindle - I of course need at least a few books. Often half my bag is filled with books, but the kindle does help solve weight issues and I've always got about 100 arcs to read on it.... so definitely the kindle.
2) Swim suit + towel + bikini bag - who wants a sopping wet bathing suit at the bottom of a bag? Not me, though this does bring back memories of being a little kid and getting one last lake jump in minutes before hopping in the car to come home... Bikini bags are definitely a must, even though now I rarely jump in the lake at all, much less minutes before leaving!
3) All the sunscreen - I will still burn but I always try.
4) Prescription sunglasses - so I can read outside - obviously.
5) Cute dress - if you've met me, then you know this one is self explanatory again. If not, well I wear a lot of dresses.

Which backstory do I find most intriguing… Hmmm. I like Dev’s more recent backstory, as in how he met Cheryl, which is a really big part of the chapter I just read. I think both Hayley and Bernadette’s stories are interesting for the same reason; they both have controlling partners so I would kind of like to see more about how Bernadette and her husband split and also why Hayley fell for Lucas in the first place or how things went wrong. So far I guess I’m least interested in Tadgh’s backstory, but I do think there is more to uncover there. Maybe he will open up to the others soon? ‘Till tomorrow!
Wednesday July 20th 2022
I was hoping to make it a little further in my reading today, but I got a little distracted by wedding planning… shh don’t tell anyone. I’m not quite engaged yet but it’s coming! Anyway, I got to 48% so I’m about halfway, and still loving it lots! I also just want to take a second to mention how much I am loving this read along! I might just have to do play-by-play reviews like this on more books in the future! It is fun having a book club-esque conversation about a book (even if it is mostly with myself, and well you of course!) as I go.
I had a lot of fun with my recreated cover on Canva! Here is the real cover as a reminder:

and my version:

In this next set of 4 chapters I learned that Bernadette’s husband cheated on her, was a jerk and tried to get her back! I also thought that the section on gas lighting was interesting, as I wouldn’t have expected Bernadette to know that term, but I think it is a really important idea that Low included in the book. Tadgh did open up to Hayley a bit which was good, but he also kind of stopped short. At the end of his chapter he (conveniently) left the area again because he finally got a text back from Cheryl.
Yesterday I mentioned hoping for more of Hayley’s backstory and we got a bit again. First she connected with Tadgh a bit, sharing about her job, then with Dev about her relationship with Lucas. Hayley’s section also expressed some regrets and desires for connection with others as well as Lucas. We also see the head over heels happiness she felt near the beginning of her relationship with Lucas. She also describes his loyalty and support and questions whether that equates to love. I wonder whether this new information about Hayley and Lucas’s relationship will help readers see Lucas in a better light or if it will give us more of a shock when he does something even worse later on (prediction?).
I felt like I got the most back story from Dev this round though! I really want him and Lizzy to get together at the end. He describes himself as the quirky best friend/hopeless romantic and I am totally picturing him as like Chris O’Dowd in Bridesmaids meets Skylar Astin in Pitch Perfect lol! The back and forth between him and Lizzy is fun as we get to see a bit of both of their personalities, and of course the sex scene! I had to google what a Lilo was – for all the non-british readers like me, it’s like a floaty pool mattress.
Hmm I feel like there will be more surprises to come... but so far I guess it was that Lizzy and Dev had sex. It definitely makes me extra hopeful that they end up together. It doesn't feel like a huge surprise, but I also wasn't really expecting it either so for now let's count that as my biggest surprise. I don't know if I can comment on a favourite outcome yet. I think that it is great that they all managed to serendipitously sit beside each other and I think it might just lead to some really positive things in each character's life, but it's still a bit soon to have a favourite outcome. That being said, yesterday I felt like it was a bit early for backstory comments, so maybe if I read extra tomorrow (and stop wedding planning for like 5 minutes lol) I'll feel ready and be more on track for Thursday's discussion questions! See you soon!
Thursday July 21st 2022
Ok so a lot happened in the chapters I read for today! As I predicted yesterday, of course there were great surprises revealed today! So maybe I'll re-answer that question later... But here's where I'm at: 69%
Bernadette: her chat with Hayley revealed that the two are actually extremely similar - even more than they originally thought. I even saved and highlighted a quote about how Bernadette says "all I would say, and I mean this from a place of care and concern, is think really hard whether you want to look in the mirror in twenty years time and see me." (Chapter 17). It was the perfect way to sum up this uncanny similarity between the two women, separated by a generation but living a very similar life. Also. Her husband died?! I can't say I saw that one coming!
Tadgh: his chat with Conlan was interesting, this idea that these texts could have come from Cindy is an interesting addition to the story. I had a quick momentary thought of maybe Cindy lied and said her name was Cheryl when she slept with Dev. I don't think that's a real prediction but could have been another shocking storyline... guess we'll see I also thought his conversation with Shay about this "only woman for the rest of my life" cold feet idea was a good piece Low included to show the difference between Tadgh and his brother and also give us a bit more of a glimpse into Tadgh's backstory a bit. Also I forgot that their mom died. Prediction: Dad + Bernadette? I mean... father of the groom should be coming to the wedding right?
Hayley: Instead of backstory, I think today I got a lot of character development and growth from Hayley. Her questions to herself about what she actually wants, rather than what she thinks Lucas wants was a huge step even if it was mainly internal dialogue at first. I also highlighted a quote in one of her sections: "You say you love me, then you speak to me like you don't. You say I'm everything, then you treat me like I'm nothing. You say you want me to be the mother of your children, then you act like I'm not good enough. I don't understand, Lucas. Explain it to me. Tell me how it works." (Chapter 23). Then the gaslighting that happened with Lucas! He went straight to calling her crazy. I'm glad she laid all her cards on the table. Also, this idea of failure vs achievement as the driving force behind all of Lucas's actions or inaction is a really interesting revelation for Hayley. Like I said, lots of growth.
Dev: Kay, here is where I wish that I could have a real book club discussion. What is with these "dear you" letters between Dev and Lizzy?! I don't have much else to say other than I predict that there will be some parallels between Dev and Lizzy and Ross and Rachel from friends - maybe even a "did she get on the plane" type thing. I still predict they will get together.
Yesterday's question: what is your biggest surprise and favourite outcome from the book:
Surprise: 100% that Kenneth was dead. Did not see that one coming. I thought the weird trip thing was odd obviously, why would she go on a trip without him if he was alive (or why would she go on a trip WITH him if he was alive), but did not expect him to be dead.
Outcome: Hayley laying her cards all out on the table after her conversations with Bernadette and her own self-reflections about what she wants and deserves.
Hmm. I'd like to come back to this question at the end. Oooh maybe I'll do that for my review! Compare my answer on the actual day and at the end of the book! I feel like one of my take aways will be taking chances and opportunities when you can. Plan the trip even if life is busy. Go on the trip even if your friend bails. Book a flight for a person you think you love even if it is scary. Take risks and try new things. In my own life I have been consciously working on reaching out more to friends and acquaintances and I think that I can take some inspiration from this new little bond that has been formed by these plane buddies and reach out, be vulnerable and make friends! Nice happy note to end my day! See you tomorrow!
Friday July 22nd 2022
Today I stopped at 80% and it took so much will power not to just finish it off in one quick go! There were two reasons I stopped.
1) I really wanted to go to the gym and reading this book at the gym would mean that I can't take little jot notes to write my review on. So instead I read a different book at the gym lol
2) More wedding stuff... I spend a lot of time planning for a girl with no ring... but it's coming lol.
Anyway, this all means that I get to save the end for my birthday! I should have said 3 reasons and made that one the first, but oh well!
Just a few short thoughts today:
I noticed a little bit of Bernadette foreshadowing right at the end of her chapter, probably Chapter 25? Anyway she said that she's open to love! I wonder with who, but I still think it might be Tadgh's dad! Speaking of Tadgh, I’m glad he is starting to open up a bit more but I still feel like I need to know more about him. It's interesting that Hayley seems to be set in her decision to end things with Lucas. For something that just hit her on the plane ride, I think she made that decision pretty quick, but maybe that is the sort of thing that she has been subconsciously thinking about for a long time and Bernadette just happened to be the missing puzzle piece. I am glad that Dev asked Bernadette what she thought of Lizzy’s letter. I also did not know what it meant. The second Lizzy letter was so sweet. I’m starting to get really excited for him and Lizzy. The foreshadowing about them all meeting together in the airport is so crazy. I can’t believe this is where I decided to stop!

I think my questions would be for Tadgh - were there really no signs that Cheryl was cheating? If you're worried about asking Cheryl, is it because you know it's true and you don't want to hear it, or is it because you really truly believe there's no way she cheated and you don't want to hurt her by asking? If she decides to call the wedding off because you asked her what a text meant, even if you ask if she cheated or would ever cheat on you, how will your marriage handle future bumps in the road?
Pop back in tomorrow for my final thoughts and review!
Saturday July 23rd 2022
Oh my gosh I finished it!
1) I called it with the Lizzy plane thing.
2) I called it with the Bernadette and Tadgh's dad thing!
3) I'm not sure if I said this one, but I wondered if maybe Cindy gave Dev the name Cheryl.
4) My questions for Tadgh yesterday were totally valid and he ended up asking himself those questions so good job eavesdropping passenger Angie.
Wow! I loved this book! So fun! I think what made it extra special was it was my first read along and it was really cool to see what everyone else was getting up to!

Comments on the last few chapters:
I like that Tadgh did reflect on his relationship with Cheryl prior to getting off the plane because I think it shows how committed he was to the relationship and helped make it more clear that he was the one getting screwed over by his fiancee and brother since he really did look for the best in them. On a similar train of thought, I also liked that Dev decided about Cheryl vs Lizzy before he saw her. I think that it solidified the fact that he would choose Lizzy rather than having them both there and then he makes the decision.

I was hoping they would all enjoy the trip together and everyone lived happily ever after just as I hoped they would. Well other than Shay, Cheryl and Lucas I guess! How hilarious that Lizzy and Dev just eloped. Might as well stop wasting time right? Total Rom Com outcome!
Instead of doing today's book club question which is who would you travel with, I'm going to reanswer each of the week's questions now that I've finished the book.
1) Which character did you most connect with?
Probably still Bernadette. I feel almost like she was the main character even though it was split pretty equally. Maybe because she came first in each set?
2) Whose backstory did you find most intriguing?
Dev I think. I really wanted to know more about his relationship with Lizzy.
3) What was your biggest surprise and favourite outcome?
Surprise - When Dev said "It's her" and then it ended up being the bride at the bachelorette not the Cheryl he was thinking of. Wow Bernadette has some balls eh?
Outcome - Lizzy and Dev getting married.
4) What thought will you take away?
Don't waste time, say what you feel, do what you want and spend time with the people you care about and who make you happy - even if those people are strangers.
5) What is one question you would have asked any of the characters?
Dev - Which is your favourite episode of Friends? Don't say the one with Rachel on the plane, it was a tear jerker but definitely not the best episode.

This was so much fun! Thanks for reading along, I hope you had some fun doing this with me and if I haven't sold you yet, here is my review of the book:
One Last Day of Summer by Shari Low is a fun, light hearted, travel-themed novel that will be the perfect book to pack for your next holiday! Alternating between four main characters; Bernadette a nurse nearing retirement age, Tadgh a band member flying to his destination wedding, Hayley a 32 year old teacher and Dev a writer and hopeless romantic, who are all traveling to St Lucia but for many different reasons! Over the course of several hours of plane travel, the characters get to know each other quite well and soon find that they are connected in ways they never would have expected. Low's careful planning, purposeful foreshadowing, and slow reveal of twists and surprises leaves readers desperate for more. This is definitely a book that is hard to put down but yet it is a fun and easy read, perfect for a relaxing day on the beach or over a long plane ride! I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a romcom or women's fiction that is interesting and funny but also has some great character development and lots of twists and turns! Thanks so much to NetGalley, Boldwood Books and Shari Low for giving me the chance to read and review this book as well as participate in the Boldwood Books Summer Read Along!